May 3, 2016

The Flash Season 2 News-Tom Cavanagh Interview, Possible Death of Key character In Season Finale

The Flash Season 2 News-Tom Cavanagh Interview, Possible Death of Key character In Season Finale

[Photo: The CW]

Appearing on a latest installment of DC All Access web series, The Flash star Tom Cavanagh, who played villainous role in Season one and a good role in Season two, discussed about the ending of Season two. 

However he couldn’t give too many spoilers at the time, he was able to mention that the final episodes will have more action than any other episodes, and could even result in the death of a key character. However its hard to tell if he’s joking about the death of a key character.

[DC All Access]

“In this one, I build a second particle accelerator because we need Barry to get to where Barry has got to get to, do you understand? And the first one blowed up,” Cavanagh jokes in the video. “So what do you do? You build a second one. Are people happy about that? No they’re not. Do you know why? Because the first one blowed up!”  [lol]

The CW has already revealed the pre season finale episode will see the infamous villain Zoom (Star Teddy Sears) arrive on Earth 1 with a army of meta humans, including their leader Black Siren; the earth 2 doppelganger of Black Canary (Star Katie Cassidy). While The Flash (Star Grant Gustin) will be shocked to see Laurel. 

[Photo: The CW]

However, after surrendering his superpowers to the villain in exchange for Wally West’s (Star Keiynan Lonsdale) life, Episode 20 (Air Date: 03 May 2016) will force the team to go to drastic procedures to give Flash his powers back to him as earlier. 
Wells knows that the only way to protect Jesse from Zoom is to build Barry back up to a stage where he can stop him. this means subjecting him to another particle accelerator explosion, but since the last one destroyed Central City, he will have to trust that Wells now knows how to contain the blast. only time will tell if or how it gonna work.

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[All Rights Reserved CW and DC comics]

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